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Transform attribute

by user9 posted 03-01-2018 | 3 comments

Is there any difference if I connect 2 transform nodes using their compound attributes?

null1.t >> null2.t


null1.tx >> null2.tx

null1.ty >> null2.ty >>

In terms of parallel evaluation, Do they do the same thing?


by user113 posted 03-01-2018

They are considered different connections, but in terms of parallelization you should be totally fine - it will be divvied up among your threads. I regularly mix the two.


by user9 posted 04-01-2018


I am trying to be consistent when writing scripts. Perhaps connecting them individually will be better.

If I disconnect one channel in the compound attr, the others connection get disconnected too. This case happens when using the compound attr.

But I am not sure.


by user113 posted 04-01-2018

Correct and vice versa too,

Yes there independent of one another - i.e. a.t connected to b.t will still leave a.tx, ty and tz available to connect. The minute you connect any of a's t channels (sub-components) though the a.t connection will get disconnected and replaced with a.tx, ty and tz connections.

So its a case of what your going into it with and the logic you want to handle. For instance i regularly do this:

for axis in "xyz":
   cmds.connectAttr("{0}.t{1}".format(obj, axis), ....)

But then if i do case logic like checking if i need to build an new node - i may not want that logic in the loop itself and in those cases i'll just do a regular cmds.connectAttr("{0}.t".format(obj), ...).

Just depends on the situation, code use etc..