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Better Solution for Dual Knee/Elbow Setup(/w Video)

by user101 posted 28-01-2018 | 4 comments

Hello, i just recently found a way to have a dual knee/elbow setup without duplicating entire IK joint chain and extra messy connections. I'm not sure that it's been known for some time or riggers/animators prefer to have that noFlip/PV switching option because i have no experience in the field. Mostly expert topics are discussed here and i don't have much to contribute but all i want is to give it back to the community(if i can). Would it be useful to anyone in this time if i made a video showing how to do it?


by user101 posted 29-01-2018

Done. Sorry for the dead inside explanation, i hope the video and instructions are clear.


by user76 posted 29-01-2018

Yea you got me itchy to know whats your solution haha! go for it!


by user7 posted 29-01-2018

Yeah go for it.


by user135 posted 28-01-2018

Absolutely. Then maybe we can discuss it