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Question on how to make a generic Custom Maya API Node

by user8 posted 29-06-2018 | 1 comment

Hi all,

I would like to find out if anyone has suggestions on how to create a script that can easily be edited to create a custom Maya node with just adding in some arbitrary values of any type.

Basically, I would want to be able to specify an attribute type (string type, float type, ect), and to be able to fill in the values for those types and have the script generate a custom node easily.

Excited to hear back any suggestions.


by user307 posted 31-12-2019

Hi there, I am little confused about what exactly you're trying to do. But creating a custom node in Maya is possible. I would recommend to look at the API help and creating custom nodes. There is a example code supplied as well to get you started. It's not as simple as you might think, but good luck.
