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by user222 posted 28-08-2018 | 4 comments

Just testing the waters with my first post. This is a rivet simliar to others you might find with three major differences:

  1. This rivet is built with the "Matrix-constraint" setup found on
  2. This tool creates multiple rivets at once
  3. You can move the rivets both in free space, and by changing the influences edges after creation.

import maya.cmds as cmd import re

def bRivet():

input = cmd.filterExpand(sm = 32)
if not (cmds.pluginInfo('matrixNodes', q=True, l=True)):
    cmds.loadPlugin( 'matrixNodes' )
if input and len(input) >=2:  
    ob = input[0].split('.')[0]
    edgeMax = cmd.polyEvaluate(ob, e=True)
    shape = cmds.listRelatives(ob, shapes=True)
    count = len(input)
    cmds.undoInfo( state=False )  
        bRivet_Build(input,ob,edgeMax,shape, count)
        cmd.warning('Something is not right')
    cmds.undoInfo( state=True ) 
    cmd.warning('bRivet requires at least 2 edges to be selected')

def bRivet_Build(input, ob, edgeMax, shape, count):

cA = cmd.connectAttr
sA = cmd.setAttr
aA = cmd.addAttr
cN = cmd.createNode
var = [['pointOnSurfaceInfo','pos'],['loft','loft'],['fourByFourMatrix','mat'],['decomposeMatrix','dcp']]
pnt = ['normal', 'tangentU.tangentU', 'tangentV.tangentV', 'position.position']
xyz = ['X','Y','Z']
io = ['input', 'output']
uv = 'UV'        
doublet = zip(range(count-1),range(1, count))
locs = []
node = 1

for pair in doublet:
    for n in range(4):
        var[n][1] = cN(var[n][0], name = var[n][1])
    gp = = True, name = 'rivet%s_GP' % node )
    loc = cmd.spaceLocator(name = 'rivet%s' % node)   
    sA('%s.turnOnPercentage' % var[0][1], 1)
    sA('' % var[1][1], 1)
    aA(loc[0], at = 'float2', ln= uv) 
    cmd.parent(loc, gp)

    for one in [0,1]:    
        num = int(re.findall("\[(.*?)\]", input[pair[one]])[0])
        aA(loc[0], at = 'short' , ln = 'edgeIndex%d' % one, min = 0, max = edgeMax, k = True, dv = num)
        ed = cN('curveFromMeshEdge', name = 'cFM')
        sA('%s.edgeIndex[0]' % ed, num)   
        cA('%s.edgeIndex%d' % (loc[0],one), '%s.edgeIndex[0]' % ed)   
        cA('%s.worldMesh[0]' % shape[0] , '%s.%sMesh' % (ed,io[0]))
        cA('%s.outputCurve' % ed, '%s.%sCurve[%s]' % (var[1][1],io[0],one))
        aA(loc[0], at = 'float' , ln = uv[one], k = True, p= uv, min = 0, max = 1)   
    print 'ok%s'%node

    for UV in uv:
        cA('%s.UV.%s' % (loc[0], UV), '%s.parameter%s' % (var[0][1], UV))
        sA('%s.UV.%s' % (loc[0], UV), 0.5)

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(3):
            o =  xyz[j]
            if i in [1,2]: o = o.lower()
            cA('%s.%s%s' %(var[0][1], pnt[i], o), '' % (var[2][1], i, j))

    cA('%s.%sSurface' % (var[1][1],io[1]), '%s.%sSurface' % (var[0][1],io[0]))
    cA('%s.%s' %  (var[2][1],io[1]), '%s.%sMatrix' % (var[3][1],io[0]))
    cA('%s.%sTranslate' % (var[3][1],io[1]), '%s.t' % gp)
    cA('%s.%sRotate' % (var[3][1],io[1]), '%s.r' % gp)




by user226 posted 30-08-2018

Thanks for sharing


by user7 posted 28-08-2018

Definetly gonna test this one =), thx


by user241 posted 22-11-2018

you can improve it, you can work with locator placed at the center of the object you want to rvt and then launch the proc.

When you use rvt it is otfen to attach something, so i think it could be nice to have also the possiblity to select the object and then create a rivet based on the center worldspace position of this object directly, so you don't have to create the rivet then have another proc to attach object.

Order selection would be ojbects to me be attach and then the geo driver. You take the worldpace position, determine the closest point on poly, extract edge and create rivet --> matrix constraint or parent constraint the object. ??


by user222 posted 02-09-2019

That's a great idea, I'll put that together when I get time.